Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Can I just go back to bed & start over?

Blahh....today feels like a Monday.  Actually yesterday was better than today.  I'm in such a pissy mood.  I mean, I planned for it to be better- it just didn't work out that way.

I woke up extra early this morning to drink a big cup of coffee and surf the net without a toddler tugging my hands.  When my little guy woke up, I was in such a chipper mood I told him I was making bacon and eggs for breakfast.  First mistake of the day.  I burnt the freakin' bacon.  How do you burn bacon???  My house still smells like a grease pit, and my Yankee candles are not doing their job.  The eggs turned out to be digestible, thank goodness.

As soon as I dropped Aaron off at preschool, I came home, and instead of doing laundry, or planning dinner or cleaning the kitchen, I sat on the couch sulking.  The following is the breakdown of my thoughts:
  • Will Adam ever have a job where he's at home with us every day?
  • Will I ever lose these 10 pounds that I've been talking about losing for 2 1/2 years now?
  • Will I ever get pregnant again?
  • Will I ever find a job that I love without having to go back to school and/or taking a huge pay cut?
And the list goes on and on.

So, I decided to pray.  And although I still have a major case of the Monday's...............

Every thing's gonna be alright.


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