Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Anyone wanna go to Cannes?? Rpatz is there……..

This weather is seriously confusing me. I mean, one day it’s hot as hell and 98 degrees. The next day it’s raining and in the 50’s. WTF? Since today is so sunny and gorgeous (despite the mega-wind that keeps pushing strands of hair into my lip gloss), my brain has already declared that the holiday weekend starts NOW. Too bad that the next three days are going to be insane…….oh well, I think So You Think You Can Dance comes back on Thursday- hell yes.

Have all my Twilight peeps seen the New Moon poster?? If not, here it is.

Hot damn! LOVE IT! Just the sight of boyfriend makes me so happy. He’s delicious.

I can proudly say that I have now stuck with Weight Watchers for exactly a week now! Friends, I have not dedicated myself like this to Weight Watchers since 2001 when I became OBSESSED with the program and became obnoxiously psycho about food. I just hope I can stick to this plan. It would really be nice to lose 10-15 LB’s. I haven’t weighed in yet; that white Fred’s scale scares the shit out of me. Judgment day is Saturday…..we’ll see then.

BTW, is there anyone out there who is a Real Housewives fan? If so, have you started watching the new season in New Jersey? Oh my dear God. This show is going to be insane. I love it! My sweet mother (Mika) and father-in-law (Steve) were at the house visiting with us Sunday and I happened to have the Real Housewives of NYC Reunion Show on. Mika was disturbed. She said “Hayley, do people really act like this?” (As a side note- Mika is Japanese and has the cutest accent), I said “yep, and it makes for good TV.” Can’t wait for more episodes.

Sorry this blog is all over the place. As you can see, I have nothing of extreme importance going on in my life right now. My dad leaves in 2 ½ weeks for a war zone so I’ll pretty much take any dramatic, over-the-top, crazy-ass television show to get my mind off of the more serious things. Between vacay in two weeks, and birthday (the big 2-7) in three weeks I’m hanging by a string.

Toodles for now!

1 comment:

  1. I finally finished New Moon last night, and I love that poster!!!!


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