Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hump Day Musings

I might be speaking too soon, but I feel like I've hit some stride with my packing capabilities.  I woke up this morning, drank a big cup of coffee (decaff, of course), and literally, hit the ground running.  I haven't finished my list for today yet; however, I knocked the hardest things out first.  The rest should be a piece of cake.  Yay!  My new friend is bubble wrap.  I love it.  Being the major priss that I am, I hate packing with newspaper.  It gets all over my fingers and then transports to my plates, glasses, etc.  I can't stand it!  I know this is weird, but whatevs.  Bubble wrap has been a lifesaver.  I've already gone through the huge roll that I bought last week, so I'll be heading back to Lowe's tomorrow for more. 

This blog post is way too exciting, y'all.  We're discussing bubble wrap.......YES!!!!! ;)

Last night I rented Safe Haven off of the Redbox.   Surprisingly, it was really good!  It seems like when those Nicholas Sparks books get made into movies they're a hit or miss.  Of course, Josh Duhamel is gorge.  And the fact that he's play a widowed father of 2 kids?  Major turn-on.  I won't go into too many details for those that haven't seen it, but lemme' just say, the make out scene against a tree was almost too much for these pregnancy hormones to handle.  If I weren't such a buddha right now, I would've totally rolled myself off the couch to grab the remote for a rewind, but I'm just way too big for quick movements like that right now. 

I decided to bite the bullet and purchase JT's new album last weekend.  I'd already bought "That Girl" off iTunes a few weeks ago (fave summer song right now), and after listening to his station on Pandora it was confirmed: I must have the whole album.  Not to mention: I'm seeing his fine a$$ in concert in December- whoop!!!  Myself and six of my friends will be heading up to the A for this event.  Cannot.wait.  I will be 2 months post-pregnancy and will probably be packed into a full body spanx suit.  Do I care?  Hell no.  I'm dropping this shh.. like it's hot.  And then I'll probably need someone to help me back up.  Ha!  Anyway, I love this whole album.  My new favorite is "Spaceship Coupe" and although it sounds awful, it's kinda hot.  I just can't even handle him.

True Blood comes back on Sunday!  Agh!!!!!  I truly hope it's better than last season.  Last season was just so disappointing in my opinion.  I want Eric.  Lots and lots of Eric! 


Btw, have y'all heard the dirty, nasty rumor that ASkars really is dating Ellen Page?  Wha???  I seriously don't know what to think.  Part of me wants to cry, and part of me wants to high-five Juno (Go gurrrl!).  My pregnant brain can't even process this right now.

Alright y'all, enjoy your Hump Day!


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