Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lazy Sunday's

Today has been one of those days where my attitude in general has been terrible.  I'm going to say what my mom would have already said to me today if I hadn't of said it myself: "you should've gone to church!"  Not that this is an excuse, although I legitimately could not have driven both of my kids to church today as I accidentally left  Harper's car seat in my mom's car.  #momfail

 I've lost my patience with both of my kids numerous times today, and actually said out loud in my frustrations, "Why did I have kids??!"  I'm ashamed of myself.  Yes, I'm only human and no one is perfect except for our Holy Father.  Luckily, Harper's still too young to understand words and meanings; Aaron, on the other hand, looked at me with such disappointment and hurt that it broke my heart.  I felt awful.  As soon as I said those words I wanted to take them back.  I hugged and kissed him and told him I was sorry.  Kids are so awesome in that they forget in a matter of seconds or minutes, where we hold onto grudges for years sometimes. 

So today, in all of my frustrations, I'm going to refer to this verse:

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." ~James 1:4

I'm not going to clean up this messy house, not mop this sticky kitchen floor, and not fold all of this laundry (well, maybe I'll fold a little.....I'm going on 5 days behind- uh-oh!) and I'm going to enjoy my children because before I know it they'll be gone and I'll do anything to have these moments back.

Enjoy your lazy Sunday.


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