Monday, August 1, 2011

Love Hangover

Yesterday afternoon, my mom and I went to see Crazy Stupid Love.  It was such a great movie!  I am a HUGE, HUGE Ryan Gosling fan.  Basically, if he was starring in a Gigli sequel, I would be pretty gung ho to see it if that included starting at his face for 120 minutes.  I mean y'all, if it was a Ryan Gosling versus "Boyfriend" showdown, I think I'd have to go with the former Mouseketeer.  He's been getting me over breakups, and appearing in many sweet, sweet dreams since I watched him seduce Sandra Bullock in Murder By Numbers in 2002. 

Anywho, I tried to take a picture of my face while watching this movie, but my plan couldn't be pulled off.  I was literally lit up like a Christmas tree from the moment he appeared on the screen.  Since I did not want to let the public know they were in the presence of a Ryan Gosling fanatic, I manged to snap a few pictures undercover with my BB.  I have made a lil' collage of my afternoon lovefest with Mr. G.  Enjoy:

Such a hottie

At the end of the movie, this song was played.  Dontcha' just love it?!

  So pretty!

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